Adjadura Art - Old Stories, New Ways - AR CARD PRINTS
Adjadura Art - Old Stories, New Ways - AR CARD PRINTS
Adjadura Art Founder, Daen Sansbury-Smith is a Nharangga/ Kaurna & Trawlwoolway creator who is passionate about the preservation, continuation and evolution of language, cultural practices and artforms of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. First Nations languages are awaiting revival, our Elders stories are not being accurately or appropriately documented in-depth, which puts our cultural continuity at risk for present and future generations. Furthermore, it can be difficult for the broader community to gain access to appropriate cultural knowledge.
“Old Stories, New Ways” is a collection that seeks to break new ground in how we address these challenges. It represents the culmination of 3 years of multimedia art, language documentation and storytelling. The artwork and stories speak of the resilience of our ancestors to survive ("Old Stories"), and the commitment of the current generations to utilise modern technology to continue and evolve practices, artforms, and identity ("New Ways").
All 15 artworks are Augmented Reality activated.
This is a print series of the entire collection compiling 15 artworks, printed on high quality HP 350gsm Uncoated (MATT FINISH) paper at A5 (210mm x 148mm)
Artwork & Sound Design: Daen Sansbury-Smith
Animation: Isobel Knowles
Languages: Nharangga Warra & Palawa Kani.